Tree Sustainability Project

We are doing a tree project in school. Here is the story of Smokey Bear and 10 facts.

Smokey Bear Story- Smokey was playing In the meadow when someone forgot to put out their wildfire or crush their cigarette. A wildfire started an all the animals had to run away. Firefighters came but they could not stop the fire. A lot of animals died but Smokey survived by clinging on to a tree. Smokey was badly burned all across his body. The firefighters took him back and treated his wounds. Smokey began to get more famous. Eventually he was sent to Washington D.C where he became the national symbol for prevention of forest fires. This is the true story of Smokey bear.

10 Facts about trees:

-Trees properly placed around buildings can reduce air conditioning needs by 30%


-A mature tree removes almost 70 times more pollution than a newly planted tree.


-A healthy tree can have a value of up to $10,000.


-The shade and wind buffering provided by trees reduces annual heating and cooling costs by 2.1 billion dollars.


-A single tree produces approximately 260 pounds of oxygen per year. That means two mature trees can supply enough oxygen annually to support a family of four!


-Water originating in our national forests provide drinking water for over 3400 communities, and approximately 60 million individuals.


-Over the course its life, a single tree can absorb one ton of carbon dioxide.


-An average American uses about 750 pounds of paper every year, and 95% of homes are built using wood. That means each person uses the equivalent of one 100 foot tall, 16 inch diameter, tree every year for their paper and wood product needs.


-About one third of the United States of America is covered by forests.


-The tallest tree in the country is a Coast Redwood growing in northern California’s Redwood National Park. It is 369 feet tall and over 2000 years old!

We all are responsible for conserving forests. I am preventing forest fires by not starting them and spreading the word. We can all prevent forest fires by being careful with things that could potentially start fires and by spreading the word about forest fires.

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